Amphithéâtre Rohan rentrée

Third year

Troisième année (L3)Premier cycle
The third year of the Ecole du Louvre's first cycle focuses mainly on art courses from the 17th, 18th, 19th and 20th centuries, but also courses on French folk art, African art or Oceanian art. In addition to this are transversal introductory courses in iconography, museology and creative techniques. Specialising classes and possible optional classes can also be taken by students.

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Thursday 5 September 2024 3PM À Paris, en amphi


The third year of the Ecole du Louvre's first cycle focuses mainly on art courses from the 17th, 18th, 19th and 20th centuries, but also courses on French folk art, African or Oceanian arts. In addition to this are transversal introductory courses in iconography, museology and creative techniques. Specialising classes and possible optional classes can also be taken by students.


  • 17th-century art 
  • 18th-century art
  • 19th-century art 
  • 20th-century art
  • French folk art
  • African arts
  • Oceanian arts
  • Iconography
  • Introduction to museology
  • Creative techniques

  • centre Georges Pompidou
  • château de Versailles
  • cité de l'architecture et du patrimoine
  • Orangerie museum
  • Arts décoratifs museum
  • Louvre museum
  • Petit Palais museum
  • Quai Branly-Jacques-Chirac museum
  • Art Moderne and Paris museum
  • Rodin museum
  • Odéon
  • Garnier opera

During the third year, foreign languages are taught as part of supervised exercises in front of various works. This involves encouraging immersive learning of modern languages in the student’s disciplinary field. Just like the classes given by language assistants in the European system, this particular pedagogy encourages strong interaction and participation thanks to a native teacher and direct exchanges favoured by small groups. Playing on spontaneity and curiosity, the training aims for uninhibited oral practice, the learning of specialised vocabulary (in the field of art history, museography and techniques), while deepening knowledge of a specific area of  the chosen discipline.

Classes can be taught in English, German, Spanish and Italian. Arabic lessons can be followed by students enrolled in the second year in the introductory course (classroom teaching).

Détails entrée École du Louvre

How to apply?

Candidates to the Ecole du Louvre’s undergraduate programme, referred to as the first cycle, have three ways to apply. There is an entrance exam (with pre-selection on Parcoursup, a national platform for students to apply for higher education spaces) to join the first year, the bank of literary exams (Banque d’epreuves litteraires [BEL], which is a common entrance exam to the Ecole Normale Superieure schools in France but also allows students to join partner higher education establishments) to join the third year and possibility to join the second year of the school’s third cycle if previous education is equivalent to the school’s first and second cycles.

Étudiants dans un amphithéâtre

First year

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Second year

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Masters degree – first year

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