Étudiants dans un amphithéâtre

First year

Premier cyclePremière année (L1)
The first year of the Ecole du Louvre’s undergraduate programme, or first cycle, focuses essentially on classes on European archaeology from Prehistory to the Merovingian era, classes on Oriental, Egyptian, Greek, Etruscan and Roman as well as Christian archaeology, but also classes on Indian, Chinese and Japanese archaeology.
In addition to this, students attend introductory classes on iconography, museology and creative techniques. They can also take specialising classes or possible optional classes.

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The first year of the Ecole du Louvre’s undergraduate programme, or first cycle, focuses essentially on classes on European archaeology from Prehistory to the Merovingian era, classes on Oriental, Egyptian, Greek, Etruscan and Roman as well as Christian archaeology, but also classes on Indian, Chinese and Japanese archaeology.

In addition to this, students attend introductory classes on iconography, museology and creative techniques. They can also take specialising classes or possible optional classes.


  • European archaeology from Prehistory to the Merovingian era
  • Oriental archaeology, Indian archaeology
  • Egyptian archaeology
  • Greek archaeology
  • Etruscan and Roman archaeology
  • Chinese and Japanese archaeology
  • Christian archaeology
  • Introduction to iconography
  • Introduction to museology
  • Introduction to creative techniques

  • gypsothèque of the Palace of Versailles
  • Carnavalet museum
  • Cernuschi museum
  • Louvre Museum
  • Guimet museum
  • Museum of National Antiquities of Saint-Germain-en-Laye
  • BNF (France’s national library) medal cabinet

Foreign language teaching at the school focuses on four modern languages, as well as French as a foreign language for non-French speaking students. Organised at various levels, it aims to enable speaking and written practice of the languages taught in the field of art history, civilisations and heritage. The modern language the student chooses must be retained throughout the duration of the first cycle. It is however possible, on a case-by-case basis, to grant exemptions to students whose professional project would justify learning a language different from that which was initially chosen.

Courses can be taught in

  • English from level A1 to level C1 (remote classes);
  • German, from complete beginners to C1 level (remote classes);
  • Spanish, from level A2 to level C1 (remote classes);
  • Italian, from complete beginners to C1 level (remote classes);
  • French as a foreign language, from level B2 to level C1 (in-person classes);
  • Arabic, in partnership with INALCO, is offered only to second-year students . It can be continued in the third year.
    More information: [email protected]


First-cycle students are assessed within a credit (ECTS) scheme. Classes are put into groups of tests (teaching units called EUs), within modules which constitute “semester equivalents”. This evaluation sees credits distributed to students, 30 per semester.

Détails entrée École du Louvre

How to apply?

There are three ways to apply for an undergraduate course at the École du Louvre, whether in the first, second or third year.

The three routes offered to candidates for undergraduate studies at the École du Louvre are the competitive entrance exam (with a pre-selection process via Parcoursup) for first-year entry, the literary test bank for third-year entry, and an application on the basis of a portfolio for second- or third-year entry.

Étudiants dans un amphithéâtre

Second year

The second year of the Ecole du Louvre’s undergraduate programme, known as the first cycle, focuses essentially on classes on Middle-Age, Renaissance, India, Is…

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Third year

The third year of the Ecole du Louvre's first cycle focuses mainly on art courses from the 17th, 18th, 19th and 20th centuries, but also courses on French folk …

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Masters degree – first year

The first year of the Ecole du Louvre’s master’s degree, known as second cycle, is focused on museology and enables the acquisition of knowledge in the museum a…

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