École du Louvre Endowment Fund
Born in 2020, the mission of the École du Louvre Endowment Fund is to support and develop, in a lasting and sustainable way, any action of general interest linked to the safeguarding, knowledge and transmission of art history and heritage: teaching of excellence, research, training, conservation and enhancement in particular.
So that today's student can become tomorrow's recognized professional in a community open to the world, the aim of the Endowment Fund is to help the École du Louvre create better conditions for study, reinforce student excellence through an international outlook and significantly develop equality of opportunity.
A non-profit legal entity under private law, the École du Louvre Endowment Fund has been created for an unlimited period. Its resources are ethically invested by decision of its Board of Directors so as to always respect its mission of general interest. It invests primarily to support:
- Students through living or mobility grants,
- Young researchers through research grants and the funding of ambitious programs,
- Teachers and the general public through the development of innovation in digital pedagogy.
Are you a French individual or company?
Choose to support the École du Louvre Endowment Fund and you'll benefit from a tax reduction of 66% of the amount of the donation (up to a limit of 20% of net taxable income).
How to donate?
- By check
I send my check made out to Fonds de dotation de l'École du Louvre:
Fonds de dotation de l'École du Louvre
Palais du Louvre, Porte Jaujard
Place du Carrousel
75038 Paris cedex01
How can I find out more?
Fonds de dotation de l'École du Louvre, Palais du Louvre, Porte Jaujard, Place du Carrousel, 75038 Paris cedex 01.