Bank of literary tests
The three routes offered to candidates for undergraduate training at the École du Louvre are the competitive entrance exam (with Parcoursup pre-selection) for access to the first year, the literary test bank for access to the third year, and application on the basis of portfolio by equivalence (possible access from the second year to the third cycle).
The Bank of literary tests (BEL)
The École du Louvre offers a pathway from the BEL for entry into the third year of undergraduate studies for CPGE students who have completed, at a minimum, two years of preparatory classes (Hypokhâgne and Khâgne) option History of the Arts.
The eligibility orals will take place on June 13 and 14, 2024 in person.
Liste candidats admis BEL 2024
Ecole-du-Louvre-concours-BEL-ADMISSION-2024.pdf (63.31 KB)