Student House
With more than 1,500 m² in the center of Paris, five living levels, over 500 m² of communal and exchange spaces (common room, reading room, study room, libraries, dining room, kitchenette, kitchen, laundry....), single and double rooms, in the immediate vicinity of the Mabillon University Restaurant, the Maison des élèves de l'École du Louvre makes it possible to offer young students graduating from the Baccalauréat, housing, working and living conditions suited to a serene education, close to their School, Parisian museums, monuments, institutions and sites, objects and places of their study and passion.

How do I apply for a first-year undergraduate degree?
Applications are made via Parcoursup.
- Congrégation romaine de Saint Dominique
- L’atelier Mériguet-Carrère
- Les ateliers Jouffre
- 2TF (Ravalement-isolation-peinture)
- Grohe
- Ege Carpets
- Sonepar
- Témahome
- L’hôtel Le Meurice
- Fase/ADN
- Beissier
Also supporting the project: Florence (+) and Jean-Pierre Camard (+), Yves Badetz, Be Sunshine, Laurent de Commines, Sr Odette François (+), Hervé Lugardon, Jacqueline Lugardon, André Levy, Bertrand Meyrat, Sophie Mouquin, Opera print.
For their help and advice, thanks to Luc Bouniol-Laffont, Jean-Marcel Camard, Laurence Cheneval, Valentin Cordier, Fabien Coubard, Michael Demandrille, Alain Dubois, Michel Faure, Rémi Freguin, Pierrick Frouin, Emmanuel Fusiller, Benoit Gélez, Éric Gizard, Laurent Gosseaume, Jean Guéguinou (+), Julien Gurhem, Florette Hayot-Camard, Nathalie Honnart, Thierry Jatteau, Stéphane Josserand, Charles Jouffre, Quentin Leborgne, Guy Lemetais, Romain Lépinois, André Levy, Hortense Moisand, Philippe Moreau, Laurent Petitgirard, Esther Pinabel, Anne Pingeot, Gérald Ramez, Claude Roux, Céline Tamaillon, Patrick Torcol, Christian and Nathalie Volle, Soizic Wattinne, Pierre-Yves Zentar...
L'École du Louvre also thanks
L'Académie des Beaux-Arts
The Daniel et Nina Carasso Foundation
The Khôra Foundation
The École du Louvre Endowment Fund and its supporters
The Antoine de Galbert Foundation
The Clarence Westbury Foundation
The Étrillard Foundation
The Fondation France Mutualiste
La Fondation Léonard Gianadda Mécénat
La Fondation Meyer
La Société des Amis du Louvre
and anonymous donors
who enable living grants to be awarded to resident students of the Maison des élèves de l'École du Louvre.