Why give?
Patronage takes the form of a donation (in cash, in kind or in skills). If the beneficiary is eligible for tax-deductible sponsorship, the donation entitles donors to certain tax benefits.
In addition, in the context of sponsorship, the corporate donor can benefit from certain communication and public relations considerations, the value of which must nevertheless remain in "marked disproportion" to the amount of the donation.
Mission du mécénat du ministère de la Culture
This site offers comprehensive documentation (legal, technical, tax, etc.) and the latest news on sponsorship in France
The École du Louvre: a unique transmission model
The work of art is at the heart of the École du Louvre's pedagogy. Theoretical lessons are complemented by tutorials in museums, monuments and sites. Schooling and student life are developed and enriched by constant exposure to works of art and collections. This proximity engages students and listeners to cultivate a permanent curiosity and adopt an encyclopedic and critical view of the world, its representations and its images.
The only art history institution to offer an undergraduate curriculum based on a general art history course that provides a foundation of knowledge without chronological or topographical limits, the École du Louvre articulates this core curriculum with specialty courses, covering 31 disciplines of archaeology, art history and anthropology. These are complemented by courses in creative techniques, iconography, epigraphy and applied modern languages.
The second cycle deals with museology in all its components, introduces students to research into heritage and museum issues, and focuses on professionalizing students. Those who wish to do so can delve deeper into research issues in the third cycle.
Studying works and objects, whatever their origins, is an essential condition and result of the desire to understand the cultures they reflect and express. At the heart of its teaching, the École du Louvre advocates dialogue and respect for cultures and their testimonies.
The École du Louvre is a school driven by passion. Passion on the part of its teaching staff, essentially made up of museum and heritage professionals; passion on the part of its researchers, who break new ground; passion on the part of its students, who commit themselves to a path of excellence and exacting standards; and, last but not least, passion on the part of its ever-growing number of students in search of knowledge, meaning and beauty.
Three areas of sponsorship
Discover the three possible areas of patronage.
For years, the École du Louvre has been a key player in the study, preservation and transmission of heritage. Today, between climate disruption and conflicts that threaten the testimonies of human history, and in a context of globalization and technological advances, the École must renew itself to give future generations the means to actively contribute to the preservation of heritage.
The School's ambition is to be an international benchmark not only in terms of training and research, but also in terms of openness and accessibility for all.
Because being an institution of excellence also means ensuring that no selected student abandons his or her course of study because of economic or social difficulties, that everyone can choose international mobility in line with his or her career path, that today's student can, in good study conditions, become tomorrow's professional in and for a community open to the world.
Only sponsorship and the support of partners will enable us to achieve these objectives, and only long-term support will ensure that they are sustained over time.
A school of excellence, training a large proportion of those involved in museums, heritage, the market and the art worlds, the École du Louvre meets a growing demand for applicants every year.
Difficulties can arise when young people are forced to devote a significant part of their time to activities other than their studies:
- Very long commutes
- Wage-earning activities or "student odd jobs"
Or, we have to admit the economic difficulties in which some of them find themselves (particularly scholarship holders and those whose families live in distant regions or abroad). They are forced to live far from the center of Paris, because of the very high prices of studios and rooms in the capital, and/or to work, often part-time or even full-time, to compensate for a lack of income. Housing difficulties, invasive salaried activities, remoteness, economic precariousness, poor housing, altered student life, lack of serenity to study..., so many situations that deepen inequalities between students, depending on their geographical origin and family resources, and to which the creation of La Maison des élèves will attempt to provide concrete solutions adapted according to each individual.
The realization of this project, unprecedented in the history of the school, encountered a unique opportunity, offered by the existence of a high school foyer that the CRSD (Congrégation Romaine de Saint Dominique), owner of the premises, kindly agreed to rent to the École du Louvre under exceptional conditions. It then required the mobilization of everyone involved, to find the help and support needed to set up the building, renovate and furnish it, and put in place all the tools required for the smooth running of a shared student residence. This is why the École du Louvre has called on all those involved in its field, in the broadest sense of the term, alumni and professionals in the fields of art, crafts, heritage, the art market, contemporary art, architecture, construction, design, the decorative arts, culture and creation, to support it and open its Maison des élèves in September 2021. This House is in constant development and will be able to welcome around fifty students for the start of the 2022-2023 school year.
All about la Maison des élèves.
"From one generation to the next, encourage the transmission of the values of conservation of cultural property and support the training of future defenders of the world's heritage."
Born in 2020, the École du Louvre Endowment Fund's vocation is to support and develop, in a lasting and sustainable way, any action of general interest linked to the safeguarding, knowledge and transmission of the history of art and heritage: teaching of excellence, research, training, conservation and enhancement in particular.
So that today's student can become tomorrow's recognized professional in a community open to the world, the aim of the Endowment Fund is to help the École du Louvre create better conditions for study, reinforce student excellence through an international outlook and significantly develop equality of opportunity.
A non-profit legal entity under private law, the École du Louvre Endowment Fund has been created for an unlimited period. Its resources are ethically invested by decision of its Board of Directors so as to always respect its mission of general interest. It invests primarily to support:
- Students through living or mobility grants,
- Young researchers through research grants and the funding of ambitious programs,
- Teachers and the general public through the development of innovation in digital pedagogy.
All about the endowment fund of the École du Louvre.
J’ai candidaté à la Maison des Élèves car je suis d’une famille à la situation financière limitée. La Maison est une opportunité pour moi, tant au niveau financier que géographique puisqu’elle est idéalement située par rapport à l’École du Louvre. Elle est grande et bien décorée, j’y apprécie les espaces partagés où l’on peut se retrouver entre nous. J’y suis installée depuis deux jours et cela m’a l’air d’un endroit chaleureux.
The advantages of becoming a patron
A chosen tax
For individual donors, patronage donations are eligible for an income tax reduction under Article 200 of the French General Tax Code (i.e. 66% of the donation, up to an annual limit of 20% of taxable income).
For companies, patronage donations are eligible for a tax reduction under the conditions set out in article 238bis of the French General Tax Code (i.e. 60%, according to limits established by the aforementioned article).
Compensations must be symbolic and may not exceed the value of 25% of the amount of the donation, and the value of 69 euros in absolute terms for individuals.
A tailor-made partnership for patrons (companies, foundations...)
This sponsorship combines the image of the École du Louvre and that of its patron or partner. A unique school in terms of its pedagogy, based on contact with works of art and multiple partnerships, the École du Louvre also offers its patrons interactions to be defined together.
Communication and image:
Associate your name with the institution on print and online communication media:
- Student and auditor course programs, website, which are aimed at 1,800 students and 12,000 auditors throughout France.
- Mention of the patron in annual Activity Reports.
- Dedicated reporting.
Events and public relations:
- Meetings with speakers, students and researchers, particularly if scholarship holders are present during the sponsorship period.
- Conferences, seminars or other proposals to be defined together.
- And other collaborations to be set up together.