How to donate?
Gifts and bequests
Individuals wishing to make a donation to support the École du Louvre in its missions have various ways of doing so. Donations made to the École du Louvre are also eligible for tax deductions.
How to make a donation:
You can support the École du Louvre in a variety of ways.
- Immediate donation
By check using the bulletin attached.
- Giving for the future: bequests, life insurance
Bequests and other planned gifts contribute to the operation and development of the École du Louvre. They offer donors the opportunity to pass on their assets and perpetuate their memory by supporting the missions that are close to their hearts.
Contact us to find out more about these provisions and the associated tax benefits.
The information provided will remain strictly confidential and in no way constitutes a definitive commitment on your part.
Income tax (IR)
The French General Tax Code allows individuals liable for income tax (IR) to benefit from a reduction equal to 66% of their annual cash donations to certain public-interest organizations. This payment is made without any direct or indirect consideration for your benefit.
If you are liable for income tax, thanks to a donation, you can take part in numerous solidarity projects, particularly in the direction of public or private non-profit research, higher education or artistic teaching establishments.
The École du Louvre is authorized to receive this type of donation and to issue tax receipts accordingly, enabling you to reduce the amount of your income tax. By deciding to support its activities, you can deduct 66% of the amount of your donation to the École du Louvre from the income tax you pay. The maximum tax reduction is 20% of your taxable income.
Example: if you make a donation of 1,000 euros to the École du Louvre, your donation will only be worth 340 euros after your tax reduction, as you will receive a tax receipt that will reduce your tax by 660 euros.
Property wealth tax (IFI)
The French General Tax Code allows individuals liable for property wealth tax (IFI) to benefit from a reduction equal to 75% of their annual donations to certain public-interest organizations. This payment is made without any direct or indirect consideration for the donor.
If you are liable for the IFI, a donation can enable you to take part in a wide range of solidarity projects, in particular in support of public or private non-profit research, higher education or artistic establishments.
The École du Louvre is authorized to receive this type of donation, and to issue tax receipts enabling you to reduce the amount of your IFI. If you decide to support the École du Louvre's activities, you will be able to deduct 75% of the amount of your donation from your tax liability. The maximum amount of IFI reduction granted is 50,000 euros per year.
Example: if you make a donation of 1,000 euros in favor of the École, your donation will really only weigh 250 euros after reduction of your IFI, since you will receive a tax receipt that will reduce this IFI by 750 euros.
To make a donation, please send:
- by post, indicating the frame of your donation "don 2023 IFI" a cheque made payable to "Agent comptable de l'École du Louvre" to:
École du Louvre
Madame la Secrétaire générale,
Palais du Louvre. Porte Jaujard, Place du Carrousel, 75038 Paris cedex 01
- If you prefer to make your donation by bank transfer, please send us an e-mail with the subject line "don 2022 IFI" and include your full name and postal address. The bank references will be sent to you by return.
The donation must be received by the École du Louvre before the deadline for filing the IFI tax return for French residents. The date on which the École du Louvre receives your donation will be taken into account. The École du Louvre will then send you a tax receipt as soon as possible.

Soutenir l'École du Louvre, c'est s'associer à un projet éducatif et culturel unique.
I would like to donate
To make a donation, please send the donation form (downloadable below):
- by post, enclosing a cheque made payable to "Agent comptable de l'École du Louvre" to:
École du Louvre
Madame la Secrétaire générale,
Palais du Louvre. Porte Jaujard, Place du Carrousel, 75038 Paris cedex 01
by bank transfer, by first sending an e-mail with the completed donation form, to the following address [email protected].
The donation must reach the École du Louvre no later than December 31 of the current year. It is the date of receipt of your donation that will be taken into account for the establishment of the tax receipt.
This will be sent to you as soon as possible.