The second cycle of the École du Louvre
The École du Louvre teaches art history, archaeology, the history of civilizations, epigraphy, anthropology and museology. The first year of the second cycle is devoted to the study of museology and art history. The second year of the second cycle deepens learning in art history and archaeology and museology, and broadens studies to sensitive goods (international provenances and issues), the art market, mediation and management of works and preventive conservation.
First year of graduate studies
Focused on museology, the first year of the École du Louvre's second cycle enables students to acquire knowledge in the field of museums and heritage, through an analytical and critical approach to the scientific, administrative and technical sectors linked to the conservation, study, presentation and dissemination of heritage.
Divided into two semesters, it also includes instruction in art history, applied modern languages, seminars and initial research experience with the writing of a dissertation.
Second year of graduate studies
The second year of the École du Louvre's second cycle enables students to choose one of the six courses on offer (two "Research" and four "Professionalizing"). This diploma is accredited with the grade of Master.
Each pathway includes seminars, the writing of a research dissertation or an internship dissertation depending on the pathway, a compulsory internship and a language course.
- Research in art history and archaeology
- Research in museology
- Art market
- Mediation
- Works of art and preventive conservation
- Sensitive objects, provenances and international issues
Admission by equivalence
For more information on admissions by equivalence click here.
Applications for entry by equivalence are to be submitted online only.