Financing your mobility
It should be noted that gap years are not eligible for supervised exchange programs, nor for mobility grants (except in the case of a gap year as part of a double degree with Sciences Po).
As a student at a higher education institution under the authority of the French Ministry of Culture, you can apply for scholarships common to all students in France, and for scholarships specific to the School, through the School's departments, without going through the School's departments.
Applying through the School's services
Fill out the scholarship application form (available on the Digital Campus, International section > Financing your stay) and upload the requested documents.
List of scholarships
Since 2003, the École du Louvre has received support from the French Heritage Society (FHS), an American organization contributing to the preservation of architectural heritage in France as well as French-inspired architectural heritage in the United States. Each summer, École du Louvre students are able to take part in internships at American institutions, with funding from the French Heritage Society.
Find out more: [email protected]
As part of a partnership between the Ecole du Louvre and Wellesley College, each year a Master 2 student has the opportunity to complete an internship at the Davis Museum and attend classes at Wellesley College. This mobility is accompanied by a scholarship covering the entire stay.
Find out more: [email protected]
In 2019, the Antoine de Galbert Foundation becomes a patron of the Ecole du Louvre and awards scholarships to Ecole du Louvre post-graduate (PhD) students. One of these is devoted to international mobility required for the thesis.
Find out more: [email protected]
Each year, the French Ministry of Culture awards a grant to scholarship-holders going on a mobility trip for an internship, a study stay or a seminar abroad.
Find out more: [email protected]
The Franco-German University allocates each year a grant of 350 euros per month (over 10 months) for each student enrolled in the Master International Histoire de l'art et Muséologie / EDL- Universität Heidelberg, the year of his/her mobility in the partner country.
Find out more: [email protected]
The Erasmus+ studies scholarship is reserved for students undertaking a study mobility at a partner university of the Ecole du Louvre, as part of the Erasmus+ program.
Eligibility criteria
Be selected for a mobility as part of the Erasmus+ studies program and undertake a mobility lasting 2 months (60 days) or more.
2023-2024 amounts and duration
- Group 1 (Denmark, Finland, Ireland, Iceland, Liechtenstein, Luxembourg, Norway, Sweden, United Kingdom): monthly fee of 400€
- Group 2 (Austria, Belgium, Cyprus, Germany, Greece, Italy, Malta, Netherlands, Portugal, Spain): monthly fee of 350€
Nota bene: the award of a mobility grant under Erasmus+ is not automatic, especially for the UK, where funds are limited. Grants are awarded within the limits of the funds allocated by the Erasmus+ National Agency to the Ecole du Louvre.
Application, scholarship payment and obligations
- The International Relations department will contact you to complete the scholarship application form.
- Once the documents have been submitted via the form and the scholarship paid (around 6 weeks after the start of your stay for 80% of the total sum), you will need to complete the "participant report" to the Erasmus+ program which will trigger the release of the remaining 20%.
- If you fail to comply with your obligations under the Erasmus+ program (see Erasmus Student Charter), you will be required to repay the full amount of the grant awarded to you.
The Erasmus+ internship grant is available to students carrying out a minimum 2-month internship in a country in the Erasmus+ European area.
Eligibility criteria
Carrying out an internship of at least 2 months (60 days) in Europe and validating ECTS credits.
Amounts 2023-2024 and duration
- Group 1 (Denmark, Finland, Ireland, Iceland, Liechtenstein, Luxembourg, Norway, Sweden, United Kingdom): 550€ per month
- Group 2 (Austria, Belgium, Cyprus, Germany, Greece, Italy, Malta, Netherlands, Portugal, Spain): 500€ per month
- Group 3 (Bulgaria, Croatia, Czech Republic, Estonia, Hungary, Latvia, Lithuania, Northern Macedonia, Poland, Romania, Serbia, Slovakia, Slovenia, Turkey): 450€ per month
Nota bene: the award of a mobility grant under the aegis of Erasmus+ is not automatic, and a fortiori for the UK where funds are limited. Grants are awarded within the limits of the funds allocated by the Agence nationale Erasmus+ to the Ecole du Louvre.
Application, payment of grant and obligations
- The International Relations department will contact you to complete the grant application form, the mobility kit and an attestation of arrival for your internship.
- Once the documents have been sent, you will receive the full grant (approximately 6 weeks after the start of your internship). In return, you will be required to complete the Erasmus+ "participant report".
- If you fail to meet your obligations under the Erasmus+ program (see Erasmus Student Charter), you will be required to repay the full amount of the grant awarded to you.
As part of a national policy of inclusion, several criteria specified in the Erasmus+ circular published in the Bulletin Officiel de l'Education nationale (n°16 of April 22, 2021) identify specific publics for whom the Erasmus+ France Agency will trigger "support for inclusion". For the higher education sector, support for inclusion takes the form of an additional monthly amount of 250€ on the Erasmus+ grant to encourage public participation. Meeting just one of these criteria qualifies for the top-up.
Find out more
- Digital Campus (link to Financing your stay > Scholarship details)
We would like to thank them

Apply on your own
Since 2018, the Île-de-France Region has been offering Île-de-France students the chance to promote the Île-de-France Region in their host country. The best projects are awarded €500 to €3,000.
Service des Relations internationales
Aile Flore, 2nd floor. Offices F08, F09, F11.
Student reception, in person (no appointment necessary)
- Tuesday : 2:00 pm-5:00 pm
- Thursday : 2:00 pm-5:00 pm
We would also like to remind you that all information is available online. Please feel free to consult our web pages and send us an e-mail if you have any questions: [email protected]